Fat Dissolving Injections are incredible compounds that work to break down the membranes of fat cells beneath the skin which are typically resistant to exercise. Commonly used to treat submental fat (double chin) and pockets of fat around the abdomen/tummy area, with a course of regular treatment, Fat-Dissolving Injections can yield permanent results.

For stubborn pockets of fat which simply won’t shift, this injections offer a long-term solution in the problem areas which bother you most. This is an excellent non-surgical treatment for people who maintain a healthy diet and exercise regime but who are still struggling to tone specific areas of the body, like the stomach and ‘double chin’ area.

How does it work?
At Maria Beauty Clinic, we start by numbing the skin to make the procedure as pain-free as possible, and then inject at various points across your problem area. The fat-dissolving product works to break down the membranes of the fat cells beneath the skin, causing them to become unstable and eventually flush out via the lymphatic system. This ‘flushing’ process may take around 6-8 weeks, at which point you’ll be able to enjoy your results!